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I am in awe - the ocean awaits!

The views of the ocean were just spectacular!

At the end of March, Tim (my sweetie) treated me to a special day trip to the ocean and I was very pumped up about it because I hadn't been since I was a kid (and don't remember much about that trip either). We opted for Ocean Shores and it would be about a three hour or so trip there. On the way, we stopped to Costco to get the all-famous hot dog (you need sustenance after all!) and we were good to go. I held my churro in my lap as we went on our way. I wish I could remember the name of the town we stopped in (population 20, I think), but it was cool as I got my soda from one of the two convenience stores off the ramp. We kept on going thru Aberdeen (which had a cool "Come as you Are" sign to welcome us, giving props to the late Kurt Cobain). After that, the tsunami warning signs started popping up (a gift shop in Ocean Shores had great souvenirs for it, including a shirt that said the tsunami plan was to "run for your lives!!!" LOL) Some driving later, we made it to the town, and Tim hit the dirt road inching closer and closer to the wild and untamed ocean, which was not what I was expecting at all! I expected some sort of resort town, and this was quite the opposite! 

I got scared, but Tim assured me, and soon I could see other cars, driving around and just plain enjoying themselves on the sand. We got out, and I immediately took all my clothes off.lol It was freezing, but I wanted one good shot, and then ran back to the car to put sweaters and coats on. We got out and walked closer and closer to the overcast and turbulent waters. Taking pics, I got more and more courageous. The sun would break through the clouds and it made for an awesome view. I looked for shells, and we drove around and around, finally deciding we needed to eat.

We headed to a hotel restaurant and had fish and chips, and then checked out the gift shop. Finally, we came back and found a special log for more cool pics. We vowed we would take it home, but it didn't seem to fit in the jeep.lol Finally, when Tim was tuckered out, I ventured out one more time to find him a shell, but he didn't follow, and I got closer and closer to the water. It seemed like it could swallow me whole, it was so huge! Finally Tim came and gave me a great big hug. But I have to say this trip really put it into perspective for me. I spend too much time away from nature, and this was nature's wake-up call. It said, "I am beautiful too!" And I was listening. Thank you Tim, Thank you Mother Nature!


More great pictures from the ocean!

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It almost looks like I am standing on the water here!

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Amazing and so beautiful!

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Me by our cool log!

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Tim strikes a great pose by our log as well!


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